It might sound like an exaggeration to say that keeping up with the latest web development trends is just as important as keeping up with expense reports or making new clients. But keep in mind how important the web is for businesses.
Are you planning to do some web developer interviews? Great!
For the longest time, you’ve been thinking that all those web skills you learned in college (you did an internship after all) and believe they’ll allow you to save lots of money by developing your business’s website.
Think again. It isn’t as though you don’t need a website. But realistically speaking, how much of it are you able to do yourself–given how long it’s been since you were in college and how much else you have to do these days?
We’re here to help you out!
But First a Short Discussion
Continue reading “Find the Right Talent: Web Developer Interview Questions You Need to Ask”
While many jobs in the worldwide economy are experiencing downsizing, technology jobs are seeing steady growth to the tune of 7.3 million jobs in the US alone as of 2017.
Due to this trend, people wanting to be attractive to potential employers are positioning themselves as having coding knowledge required for jobs in software development, cybersecurity, cloud computing, and more.
But how can you tell if an applicant actually possesses the skills they’re claiming they have? After all, a resume only gives you so much insight.
This problem creates a question. Should hiring managers implement a programmer test into their interview process?
This post discusses some of the advantages and disadvantages of a programming test. We hope it’s valuable to both people hiring and those applying for coding jobs. These are some reasons why a programmer test makes sense in the interview process.
1) You Can Assess Whether or Not Candidates Have Non-negotiable Skills
Continue reading “Should You Include a Coding Test in Your Interview?”