What is a Codeathon and Why Should You Run One?

A codeathon can be a great way to find the perfect coders for your business. Here’s what you need to know to run your own.


What on earth is a Code-a-thon?! How is it different from a Hackathon?

Well, I don’t know how to code and I thought hacking was illegal…

Don’t worry. It’s not that kind of hacking!

Codeathons and hackathons are actually the same thing. They’re synonyms for each other.

Even better, anyone can run a codeathon. Yes, anyone! Even if you hate computers, you lose your phone constantly, and you think Google’s the new Skynet.

You can run your own hackathon, and you should for many reasons.

Continue reading to learn what a codeathon is and why you should run one.

All Brains and Hands On Deck

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Find a Programmer: Why Skills Matter More Than Formal Training

Degrees and training might be top priorities for other positions. But when you need to find a programmer, your focus should always be on their skills.


When it comes to finding quality employees, you focus on certain characteristics. In the case of computer programmers, you’ll want the right candidate to have a Bachelor’s degree. (Especially at a national average of almost $40 per hour.)

But while degrees and training might be top priorities for certain positions, it shouldn’t be the case with programmers. To find a programmer that’s right for your company, the focus should always be on their skills.

Here’s why skills matter more than training when it comes to programmers.

Skills > Training Continue reading “Find a Programmer: Why Skills Matter More Than Formal Training”

Should You Include a Coding Test in Your Interview?

Should you including a programmer test in your Interview process? It’s a question many ask. Here’s how to decide whether or not to do it.

While many jobs in the worldwide economy are experiencing downsizing, technology jobs are seeing steady growth to the tune of 7.3 million jobs in the US alone as of 2017.

Due to this trend, people wanting to be attractive to potential employers are positioning themselves as having coding knowledge required for jobs in software development, cybersecurity, cloud computing, and more.

But how can you tell if an applicant actually possesses the skills they’re claiming they have? After all, a resume only gives you so much insight.

This problem creates a question. Should hiring managers implement a programmer test into their interview process?

This post discusses some of the advantages and disadvantages of a programming test. We hope it’s valuable to both people hiring and those applying for coding jobs. These are some reasons why a programmer test makes sense in the interview process.

1) You Can Assess Whether or Not Candidates Have Non-negotiable Skills

Continue reading “Should You Include a Coding Test in Your Interview?”

Hiring The Best Front-end Developers

How to Hire Front-End Developers That Rock

The right front-end developers can be game changers for your company. Here’s how to hire front-end developers that rock.

So you just got your business up and running or it has been up for a while but not running as well as you’d like?

Either way, it is without question that creating an effective website is a necessary step in the direction of your business’ success.

Traditionally, you could read some books and create your own website.

However, in today’s tech-savvy market, there is no way an amateur site can compete against professionally designed sites that are optimized for maximum search engine visibility.

There are many web developers and web designers out there and every single one is different. Also, every project and every business is different.

Below is a discussion on how to make sure that you hire front-end developers who are right for the job and that you’re getting good value for money.

Find The Right Person or Team

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